When I studied abroad, I met the man pictured above. I met him when I was walking around San Telmo on a sunny Sunday afternoon with a couple of friends from my program. Of all the locals I met, he was by far the most memorable, mostly because of his sign and his ability to put a big smile on my face.
When I was in Argentina, I met many local Argentines, mostly from local stores near my home abroad. If you want to mingle with the locals in Argentina, here are a few tips that can help you:
1. Talk to someone in a store near your home. This way, you will not only make a new friend but you will have something to show for it!
2. Go out to bars and clubs if you enjoy that scene. Talking to someone in a bar is usually pretty easy in Buenos Aires especially since many have couches and comfy chairs that welcome conversation. The same goes for clubs.
3. Talk to your local laundry person. In my experience, I had to take my clothes to the laundry mat when I wanted them washed. So, I became close friends with my laundry lady.
4. Talk to people in your classes with Argentines. If you talk to them in a friendly and open manner, you are bound to make a friend or two even if it is only in a class setting.
5. Talk to your cab driver or someone on your daily bus commute.
These are just a few tips on how to meet locals. If you talk to a few, you will be happy you did! You will not only improve your Spanish language skills, but you will have a new friend to talk to!
Have you met any locals while you've been in Argentina?? If not, have you used any of these techniques and have they worked if you have??
Next time: How to Eat Out in Buenos Aires
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